Why Are Ferrets So Expensive? Should You Get A Ferret?

When choosing an exotic pet, ferrets come first in mind, because of their playful nature. Still, many often skip them as ferrets often outweigh the initial financial investment. But why are ferrets so expensive?

A good and healthy ferret costs between $60 to $400 which is way more costly for a small pet. Furthermore, you need to spend money on food, cages, vet costs, toys, etc.  If you opt to adopt ferrets, you must consider these basic supplies and veterinary costs.

Why Are Ferrets So Expensive?

Why Are Ferrets So Expensive

Ferret’s playful, active, and loving nature makes them excellent pets. However, owning a ferret means a lot of expenses. If you consider all the budget, you’ll feel that you have adopted a luxurious pet.

Ferret prices depend on the seller. By the way, many want to buy kit ferrets as it is easier to bond with them. In this case, you will get them only from a private breeder. The pet stores don’t have kits, they sell adult ferrets.

A quality kit ferret from a private breeder can range from $60 to over $500. these breeders charge more money as they know the family history and easy to train the ferrets. Opting for a local pet store may be a more accessible option, but they are adult ferrets. They can cost less than $200.

But these ferrets are less trainable. Purchasing them individually can lead to behavioral issues as they live in a group in the store. You may need to buy a small group of them. Otherwise, your single ferret will go into depression and become ill. Still, you can buy a pair that will cost less than private breeders. 

Another great way to get a ferret is adoption. You can find them at the local ferret rescue center. Buying from a rescue center has benefits. You’ll face less trouble to train them as they are already handled by people. Also, it is less expensive than buying from breeders or pet shops. This cost will be around $150 to $200.

Expenses You Need To Consider To Own A Ferret As Pet

Breeding ferrets require a lot of expenses. If you really want to have this ferret in your home, consider these costs as well:

Essential Ferret Supplies

Buying ferrets is a one-time cost that may seem low. There are many more things to buy when you first bring a ferret to your home. Some are one-time purchases and others require monthly and annual costs. Investing in these items is essential for their survival in their new home. 

Before buying a ferret, you need to have a cage, bedding, bowls, toys, and so on.

  • A suitable living space for your ferret is a must. Quality cages range from $100 to $300, providing ample room for your ferret to move and play.
  • For proper bedding, it’ll cost between $10 and $30. This investment contributes to a cozy and secure sleeping environment.
  • Stainless steel or ceramic bowls for food and water are essential. The cost varies, but a set can range from $10 to $20, ensuring your ferret has access to clean and safe nourishment.
  • Ferrets are playful by nature, so investing in a variety of toys is crucial for mental stimulation. The cost of toys can range from $5 to $20 each, depending on their complexity and durability.
  • For trips to the vet or travel, a secure carrier is a necessity. Prices range from $15 to $50, providing a safe and comfortable space for your ferret during transportation.


Ferret’s healthy life starts with providing them with a balanced and nutritious diet. Ferret food comes with a higher price tag and is also not easily available. Ferret food, especially from international, reputable brands, faces availability issues online. So you need to purchase from local pet stores.

Ferrets have unique dietary needs, high in fat and protein. Professional pet food companies formulate ferret food to meet these specific requirements. While it may seem expensive, investing in specialized ferret food is crucial for their long-term health and happiness.

Some ferret owners may consider feeding their pet’s cat food or dog food, but this can be harmful in the long run. Specialized ferret food ensures they receive the necessary nutrients without compromising their health.

Good quality ferret food typically costs around $15 per month, depending on the brand and source. Look for ferret food with a protein content of at least 32-40%. This high protein requirement aligns with their natural diet and contributes to their overall well-being.

Ferrets struggle to digest complex carbohydrates and fiber properly. Their diet should be low in fiber, ideally less than 4%. To maintain their health, prioritize a meat-rich diet.

Steer clear of foods high in carbs, vegetable proteins, fruits, and veggies. While they may seem like treats, these can disrupt the balance of a ferret’s diet.

Veterinary Care

Just like any beloved pet, ferrets require regular veterinary care to ensure a happy and healthy life. Rabies and canine distemper vaccinations are essential for ferrets. The cost for these vaccinations is a critical aspect to consider.

Like many pets, ferrets require neutering or spaying. The cost for this procedure typically ranges from $150 to $300, with females the costs get higher.

Ferrets are considered exotic pets, and veterinary costs can reflect this classification. It’s important to research and be aware of the veterinary expenses in your locality to be financially prepared.

Beyond the initial setup, monthly expenses for food, litter, treats, and hygiene products are relatively low, totaling approximately $75. Annually, ferret ownership may cost more than $500, covering food, litter, and essential veterinary visits.

Common Health Issues and Treatment Costs

Adrenal Gland Disease

It’s a common condition in ferrets and it starts with enlarged glands. Its medication is injections (approximately $30-50 per injection) and Suprelorin implants, which can be more expensive.


Insulinoma is a tumor affecting the pancreas and causing low blood sugar levels. It is a challenging health concern for ferret owners. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for monitoring the progression of insulinoma.

Annual check-ups for ferrets with insulinoma may cost around $75. The cost of medication can vary but may reach up to $150 per month. This expense is a critical consideration for ferret owners managing the long-term effects of insulinoma.


Lymphoma is cancer that targets the lymphatic system which is a vital part of the ferret’s immune system. Chemotherapy is a common treatment for the disease. While effective, chemotherapy can be a costly option.

Another treatment option is radiation therapy, which uses high-dose radiation to eliminate cancer cells. Like chemotherapy, this treatment option comes with associated costs.

The cost of treating lymphoma in ferrets can vary significantly, ranging from $1,000 to $4,000 or even higher.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy

It is a prevalent heart disease in ferrets, affecting the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively. Due to it, your ferrets may experience lethargy and difficulty breathing is crucial for early intervention.

Treatment for Dilated Cardiomyopathy may involve medications like diuretics and ACE inhibitors. The cost of these medications can vary.

Gastrointestinal Diseases

Foreign objects in the stomach can cause gastrointestinal diseases. In severe cases, surgical removal is the only way to remove it. The price of surgery differs based on the complexity of the case. Discussing the specifics with your veterinarian is essential for understanding the potential costs and benefits of the procedure.


There are many reasons for ferrets being expensive. But it is worth paying if you want to enjoy their active nature. You will get unlimited moments of joy and laughter if you bring these lively creatures.

Sure, they might demand a reasonable budget, but let me personally assure you—it’s an investment you won’t regret. However, you should closely consider their monthly and annually costs so that you don’t any difficulties after adopting the ferrets.